Friday, October 16, 2015

Flash Guy attends Utah Valley Leads Connection

I wore my Flash shirt to the Utah Valley Leads Connection meeting. It was nice to be greeted at the door by Carolyn and Chris. It made me feel glad  I came. Chris was handed out the October edition of his newspaper ServeDaily. I was happy to see the article I wrote about South County Lanes, a bowling alley in Payson.

When I walked into the room, Jaden called me out with, "hey! it's your birthday!". I appreciate the friendliness of the people in this group. I sat down next to Carolyn Lewis and Elizabeth Ross. Carolyn asked me why I come to these meetings. I am a Technical Writer who has been unemployed for an extended time and I need help to build a business. I'm struggling to set up a business. I've always had a role where someone gave me marching orders and I worked within those parameters to set up a project plan, build relationships of trust with engineers, product managers and project managers.

I have been working on my 30 second commercial. I struggle to define a behavior, or what someone says that would need the services of a free lance writer. I have attended Scott Moran's workshop twice and he has helped me to define what services I offer; free lance writing but I'm still not sure how to tell someone that a good lead for me is someone you know that something documented.

At the end of the meeting, everyone sang happy birthday to me. I thought it was funny when they sang "Flash guy" instead of my name. There were a lot of people attending for the first time. I won the door prize, a $25 dollar gift certificate from Smart Media and Print. I contacted Adrian Escalante for an appointment, I'm excited to create some new business cards.

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